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Politics of Fear: Pension Insurance and Chinese Peasant Workers
作者 史唯劉世鼎
The social conflict triggered by social insurance contributions has become a key component of the ensuing crisis of contemporary mainland China. This article focuses on an episode of the strike action staged by a group of migrant workers at a UNIQLO supplier in Shenzhen-exploring the vulnerablegroupi fear generated by the underpayment of social security and the political action that follows, from the perspective of affective politics. This paper investigates the ways in which politics of fear configures and articulates in a relational structure of power, the hegemony formulates a set of top-down strategies of governance out of the fear for losing power, which in turn create the fear of migrant workers through the long-standing prejudicial Policies and complicities with capital; the transformation of government-inflicted fear into concrete political action from the bottom up and the intensification of fear of the hegemony. Through sach analytic trajectory, this paper explores the heterogencous political formations of fear, how they are interwoven in complex ways, and in particular how the performance of opposition is made possible through the body and the construction of identity. For the migrant workers under multiple forms of repress on the Politics offear may creatc a space of self-empowerment, allowing them to reshape self-identities subvert the existing power relations in their adversarial confrontations.
起訖頁 183-214
關鍵詞 農民工養老保險恐懼的政治性身體主體性身分認同Migrant workerPension insurancePolitics of fearBodySubjectivity
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201709 (25期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 國家,符號暴力與民間信仰:以鹿耳門天后宮為例的討論
該期刊-下一篇 威權遣緒下的道德恐慌:民主轉型與臺灣的K他命政策




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