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Statistics on the frequency of meaning and vocabulary teaching in the teaching of Chinese to foreigners
作者 步延新張和生 (ZHANG Hesheng)
Based on the previous studies of academic circles, the present paper using sam-pling method conducts a quantitative research on the usage and distribution of the terms of meaning of 62 class-a monosyllabic adjective words among the “Syllabus of Graded Words and Characters for Chinese Proficiency" based on the contemporary Chinese corpus at Peking University. It formulates a “Table of Frequency of Meaning of Adjective Words", and conducts a comparative analysis on the usage situation of the terms of meaning of polysemous words among “Teaching Program of Chinese as a Foreign Language Institutions of Higher Learning" and “A Course in Chinese Language" based on the “Table of Frequency of Meaning of Adjective Words". In addition, we thought that the current teaching outline and teaching materials fails to pay enough attention to the terms of meaning of polysemous words, and the usage and ar-rangement of the term of meaning lacks scientific foundation as well.
起訖頁 185-194
關鍵詞 單音節詞義項義頻monosyllabic wordterm of meaningfrequency of meaning
刊名 中原華語文學報  
期數 200804 (1期)
出版單位 中原大學應用華語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 應用華語文學教學系學生對多媒體運用於華語教學的觀感




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