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台灣文學研究學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Ruler’s Homesickness from Nowhere: Modernity, Cultural Hegemony and Chinese Nationalism in Taiwan Literature
作者 林運鴻
The present paper discusses how three major genres of fiction represent Chinesenationalism in post-war Taiwan literature as well as the cultural politics behind theirnarrative form. (1) In anti-communist literature, Marxism is seen as the other of Chinesetraditional culture, thereby establishing an identificatory location for national identity.(2) In Taiwanese modernist fiction, its experimentation with language also includesthe renewal and rebirth of Chineseness. (3) Despite the ‘deconstructionist’ narrativetechniques brought by postmodernism, what is ‘deconstructed,’ is not, in specific cases,nationalist narrative, but the institution of modernity. One of the effects of such ‘deconstruction’is that ‘the Chinese nation’ will be seen as a naturalized production of traditionalculture, rather than the consequence of modernity. By juxtaposing the Komin literaturewith Chinese nationalism in Taiwan literature, it becomes more evident that theformer’s emphasis is placed on a newborn nation that is modernized and cut off fromthe indigenous society, rather than the totality of a historically congruous national iconthat Chinese nationalism attempts to establish. One version of this nationalist imaginationcaters to the urban elite while the other to the average members of the nation. Toconclude, the Chinese nationalist narratives of Taiwan literature, on the one hand, helpamalgamate ‘Chinese’ regionality and heterogeneity. On the other, the process of conceptualizingthe nation-people, in a Gramscian sense, witnessed the creation of a certain ideological adhesive that re-fashions the interests of the ruling regime into the nationalinterests of ‘China in its totality’ (or Taiwan society).
起訖頁 261-303
關鍵詞 中國民族主義台灣文學現代性文化霸權皇民文學Chinese NationalismTaiwan LiteratureModernityCultural HegemonyKomin Literature
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201404 (18期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 位移的南方、想像的鄉愁──張系國七○年代小說中的故土想像
該期刊-下一篇 政府公部門的翻譯贊助與台灣文學的外譯──以《台灣文學外譯書目提要(1990-2011)》為例




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