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Between“honoring the virtuous”and“exploring the knowledge”:The Inner Logic of the “Han-Song debate”
作者 彭衛民
本文以為,對「尊德性」與「道問學」的考察應放眼於整個清代學術史,二者既是左右清代學術向前發展的重要概念,同時也從思想史的角度,推進了「漢宋之爭」的演變,而這種演變,正是自宋明至清初經清代中葉儒學中「尊德性」與「道問學」兩種觀念之間爭執的最終表現形態。作為清代學術史上的一條重要線索,「漢宋之爭」的研究並不能單純的從學術史外緣進行闡述,它具有真正遵循思想史內在理路(inner logic)向前的學術軌跡,作為思想的歷史,「漢宋之爭」持續時間之推定,並不能僅僅界定在漢學興盛之後,而應是橫跨了整個有清一代,這個內在的學術軌跡雖然經歷了漢盛宋衰、宋盛漢衰、漢宋合流的階段,但實際上每一個階段都體現了思想的交融與井噴,不管是相互批判對立,還是相互融合調適,這些分段式的學術演繹無一不在反映清代學術史活潑、前進、具有生命力的特性。清代漢學與宋學的衍生、發展、嬗變,以及二者之間的相互攻訐、相互批判,及至最終的合流,都無一不證明學術史是向前發展的,與此同時使得清代思想史在激盪與調適中摩擦出絢爛的學術火花。
The exploration on ”honoring the virtuous” (尊德性) and ”exploring the knowledge” (道問學) should be viewed from the perspective of the whole academic history of Ch'ing Dynasty. As the core concepts in shaping the development of the academic history, they propel the ”the Han-Song Debates” (漢宋之爭) towards the ultimate presentation of the argument between ”honoring the virtuous” and ”exploring the knowledge” from Song Dynasty to the middle age of Ch'ing Dynasty. The academic debates between the Song Learning (宋學) and the Han Learning (漢學) in Ch'ing Dynasty strictly follow the inner logic (內在理路) of forwardness of intellectual history. Despite the ups and downs on both sides, fusion of both thoughts existed through derivation, mutual-criticism, evolution and the final convergence of the two schools, and thus the history of academic thoughts in Ch'ing Dynasty is burnt with gorgeous sparks in changes and adjustments.
起訖頁 69-103
關鍵詞 漢學宋學漢宋之爭尊德性與道問學內在理路Han LearningSong Learninghonoring the virtuousexploring the knowledgethe Han-Song debateinner Logic
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 201006 (25期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
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