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Student Expectations of the Freshman English Course at Chinese Culture University
作者 蔡鈺鑫
本文透過一項五個問題的問卷,針對中國文化大學四班大一學生進行調查,以瞭解其對「大一英文」課程之期望與看法,作為設計與改進此課程教學之參考。本調查發現:一、大部份受調的學生(63.41%)期望「大一英文」課程應以增進英語能力,甚少數的學生(6.09%)認為應以欣賞西洋文學,為主要的教學目標。二、有45.73%的學生認為「大一英文」應四技並重,31.09%認為應加強聽說能力,10.97%認為應加強讀寫能力。三、有54.26%的學生不贊成,45.73%的學生贊成,「大一英文」可以將中國文化列為教學的內容之一。四、有68.29%的學生贊成,20.73%的學生不贊成,「大一英文」為通識課程。五、四班受調學生中,對「大一英文」的五大期望依序為:1、學習實用之英文;2、加強聽說能力 3、敢且能用英文會話或交談;4、期望輕鬆、活潑、生動有趣的教學;5、增進讀寫能力。
This paper uses a five-question questionnaire survey to investigate four freshman classes' expectations of the Freshman English course at the Chinese Culture University. Several significant findings have been made in this survey. First, most students surveyed (63.41%) expect to improve English language skills and only a few students (6.09%) expect to learn to appreciate Western literature as the primary goal of Freshman English (FE) course. Second, as for the primary goal of FEC, 47.73% of the students selected improving all four English language skills, 31.09% improving listening and speaking, and 10.97% reading and writing. Third, as regards considering taking Chinese culture into account as part of the FE curriculum, 54.26% of the students disagree but 45.73% agree. Fourth, 68.92% of the students agree but 20.73% disagree that FE is a course of general education in nature. Fifth, the top five expectations these four classes held towards FE are, in order of priority: 1. learning real-life or practical English; 2. improving listening and speaking skills; 3. being bold and courageous enough to converse in English; 4. expecting a light, lively and interesting class; and 5. increasing reading and writing abilities.
起訖頁 49-71
刊名 華岡英語學報  
期數 199707 (3期)
出版單位 中國文化大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論契約英文的特色
該期刊-下一篇 探討「合作習作」及其中之社會互動




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