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A study on the effectiveness of typhoon disaster prevention teaching material with calamity cases research in primary school
作者 鄭清江賴彥宏
本研究以颱風災害為主題,以國小學童為對象,實施校園防災教育為目的,利用臺北市民防災手冊結合災害案例為課程主要教材進行研究,以「颱風現象及防颱概念之調查問卷」為研究工具,採實驗組、對照組前後測的準實驗設計,以研究者任教的學校五年級2 個班級為研究對象,實驗組以臺北市市民防災手冊結合災害案例為防災教育教材進行颱風防災教學,對照組只以臺北市民防災手冊進行颱風防災教學,研究結果發現實驗組的學童在參與結合災害案例之颱風防災教學活動後的學習成效在「防災態度」的表現明顯優於對照組的學童(p<0.05),「防災知識」與「防災技能」的學習效果上呈現著高度正相關,在「防災知識」與「防災態度」的學習效果上也呈現著中度正相關。
The objective of this study is to give education of disaster preventions to primary school students with teaching methods and materials of typhoon disaster prevention as the study issue. The teaching materials should be integrated with the Ability Index of the Nine-Year Curriculum, and the curriculum core should be literacy of disaster prevention indicated by the Ministry of Education. The Taipei Citizen Disaster Prevention Guide is used and combined with major disaster cases for supplementary curriculum materials. 'Questionnaires of typhoon phenomenon and prevention concept' are the study tool, and the study object is fifth-grade students in two classes assigned as the experiment group and control group and given tests respectively, which is a quasi-experimental method. The experiment group is taught with the Taipei Citizen Disaster Prevention Guide combined with calamity cases as teaching materials of typhoon disaster prevention, while the control group is taught only with the Taipei Citizen Disaster Prevention Guide. The results show that the students in the experiment group perform significantly better than those in the control group in 'disaster prevention attitude' (p < 0.05). On the other hand, a high positive correlation between 'disaster prevention knowledge' and 'disaster prevention skills' is found, while a middle positive correlation between 'disaster prevention knowledge' and 'disaster prevention attitude' is revealed. In the study, execution suggestions of education of disaster prevention in primary schools in the future based on the study results are also proposed.
起訖頁 32-47
關鍵詞 颱風災害防災教育災害案例準實驗設計Typhoon disasterdisaster prevention educationcalamity casesquasi-experimental method
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 201707 (12期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-上一篇 府城的巷弄敘事--當代織品藝術再現地方場所記憶
該期刊-下一篇 透過網路分析工具進行咖啡杯設計之研究




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