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Geodesign 應用於環境設計課程之行動研究--以台大心理系周遭環境為例
An Action Research of Geodesign in Environmental Design: An Example of Designing the Surrounding Environment of the Psychology Department at NTU
作者 何立智 (Li-Chih Ho)
本行動研究引入Geodesing 規劃設計方法,並試圖探討此方法對大尺度環境設計教學的適用性。本方法是Carl Stenize 教授在哈佛大學設計學院施行了三十多年的方法論(Steinitz, 2014),由於此方法具有明確的操作步驟、合作方法,因而有可能可以解決目前課程所遭遇的不同專業合作問題、利益關係人觀點問題,本研究以學期期中及期末兩次評估來分析本方法的適用性:期中評估採用問卷法,由同學評量本方法對於他們在操作(1)基地分析(2)構想產生(3)合作設計等三方面是否有明顯的幫助。期末評估則進行質性訪談,了解同學對於此方法優缺點的看法,以作為未來教學改進的依據。問卷結果顯示,Geodesign 確實可以幫助學生有效的分析基地、協助他們產生方案,發揮合作設計的效果,同時也能讓學生把握使用者的需求來產生方案,而非僅是依據自己的個人喜好。質性訪談中,同學普遍認為這個教學模式相當適合運用在大尺度的環境規劃上,但在細部設計上並無太多的幫助。Geodesign 的設計方式確實能有效的幫助設計團隊達成目標,是一個相當值得引入現有教學系統中的合作式設計教學方法,然而如何能與細部設計階段有更好的連結仍是未來研究可以著墨的重點。
This study tested the suitability of geodesign in solving the problems associated with teaching environmental design. Thirty years ago, Carl Stenize invented the geodesign method in the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Because of its clear operating steps and cooperative strategies, geodesign may be useful in solving cooperative problems in a design class and may provide the different viewpoints of other stakeholders. We used questionnaires to evaluate the ability of midsemester students to (1) conduct site analysis, (2) form concepts, and (3) create cooperative designs. At the end of the semester, we conducted qualitative interviews to collect the responses of all the students. The data and responses were analyzed, and the results were used as references for improving the teaching method of environmental design. The results revealed that geodesign could help students effectively analyze the site and produce good concepts. It provides a favorable framework for cooperation and eliminates personal preferences in discovering the need of user groups. In the qualitative interviews about the general opinions on the suitability of geodesign, this method was considered to be suitable for large-scale projects and concept formation; however, it was not considered to be helpful in creating detailed designs. Geodesign certainly provides strategies for solving the problems due to the cooperation of different professions and stakeholders. It can be introduced into the design class. However, additional studies are warranted to determine how the geodesign method can be linked with the detailed design stage.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 規劃設計方法論參與式設計行動研究Planning and design methodparticipatory designaction research
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 201707 (12期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-下一篇 府城的巷弄敘事--當代織品藝術再現地方場所記憶




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