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Human Resource Integration of Social Welfare Services in Indigenous Areas:A Preliminary Exploration
作者 孫健忠石泱
原鄉社會福利的推動是行政院原住民族委員會施政的重點,其中社會福利服務人力的配置是一個重要的議題。推動原鄉社會福利的人力除了地方政府設有生活輔導員外,尚有委託民間團體辦理「家庭暨婦女服務中心」所編制的社工員,以及補助地方政府所僱用的就業服務員。據此,該會在原鄉的社會福利服務有不同的組織、方案與人力的設置。然而,這些補助的人力,是否能達成預期的服務功能?彼此之間有無良好的搭配和協力一致?以致能對原鄉提供整合性的服務就成為值得探討的議題。雖然就業服務員自102 年起由補助地方政府僱用變更為勞務採購案,但原鄉社會福利服務的人力型態基本上並沒有太大的改變。本文的目的係對原鄉社會福利服務人力及整合作一初步探討,資料的來源主要是依據兩位作者於民國97 年接受該會委託的小型短期研究案所完成的報告改寫。本文首先說明原鄉社會福利服務人力概況,接著經由深度訪談、焦點團體及問卷調查探究這些人力運用的問題及可能調整的方向,最後作綜合討論及提出建議。
The promotion of indigenous social welfare is one of the core policy measures of the Councilof Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, and the allocation of human resources for indigenoussocial welfare is no doubt a key issue. At the time of this study, in addition to the life counselorsprovided by the local government, there are also family and women service social workersprovided by NGOs as well as employment service workers subsidized by the local governments.However, whether these services and the manpower provided are well coordinated andcomprehensive remains a question to be answered.In spite of the fact that employment service workers has been amended from subsidy topurchase in 2013, the mode of social welfare staffing for indigenous social welfare has not beenchanged. The aim of this paper is to explore the integration of staffing and human resources forindigenous social welfare. Data of this paper are based on a small scale study commissioned by theCouncil of Indigenous Peoples conducted by the authors in 2008. This paper begins by discussingthe human resource profile for indigenous social welfare services, followed by preliminarydiscussions on the existing problems of human resource allocation and possible ways forimprovement.
起訖頁 13-36
關鍵詞 原鄉原住民社會福利人力整合Indigenous areasIndigenous social welfare servicesHuman resource integration
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201407 (10期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 探討不同粒徑SiO2-Allicin抗菌微粒之吸附量及抑菌效果
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣與OECD國家之三歲以下幼兒托育政策之探討與比較




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