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Theory and Practice of Community Education -Universities to Promote Community Colleges as a Discussion-
作者 葉至誠
Set by the Ministry of Education awarded 'Moving into the twenty-first century vision of theWhite Paper on Education,' emphasized: Based on education theory, family education, schooleducation and social education, all three, we must work together, exchange hand, to achieve theoverall educational goals; and can be integrated family education, school education, socialeducation, the basic unit of all three as a whole, that is the community. Therefore, the 'school in thecommunity, the community school,' is a modern country with a life-long education mainstream.Community Department of Education for a region, neighborhood or town, providing residents withthe necessary education and training and other activities, thus learning opportunities through thesupply of situational context of the surrounding community, The creation of a vibrant, activeparticipation, several modified cultural environment, shaping the lifestyle of a community learning,which aims to shape the community's learning environment to allow the residents the ability toinitiate, carry out the vision to create a better society.Fitness value of China's tertiary education resources due to declining birthrate showed the riskof excess, will be able to environmental opportunities and positively to educational philosophy andeducation as an orientation towards the promotion of community education, will expand thesubstance of education to the community, the object of education into all people, In this paper, the 'concept of community education,' 'the history of community education,' 'examples ofcommunity education,' 'community education to spur on' and other units, draw on advancededucation, social and community development principles, to promote community education in theUniversity discussed concepts and practice as the.
起訖頁 63-94
關鍵詞 社區教育鄉村學校社區學院終身學習Community EducationRural schoolsCommunity CollegeLifelong Learning
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201005 (4期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 台北市平宅女性單親家長就業動機之研究
該期刊-下一篇 不同加工及包裝處理蒜泥塗抹醬在儲存過程中品質之變化




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