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The Study of Parent-Child Fitness-Play Curriculum to Influence Parents’ Exercise Self-Efficacy
作者 鄧蔭萍陳紫晴
本研究藉由親子共同參與的體能遊戲課程,針對父母親的運動自我效能進行探究,研究目的為:1.探討親子體能遊戲課程前後,父母親的運動自我效能之變化情形。2.探討親子體能遊戲課程進行一個月後,父母親持續運動自我效能之變化情形。研究者設計一週一次,每次110 分鐘,共計十週的親子體能遊戲課程,並邀請參加「健康家庭運動休閒活動」共20 位父母及其子女參與課程。透過量化的問卷調查,以及一個月後14 位父母親的焦點團體和個別訪談,進行研究資料的收集。最後則以相依樣本t 檢定及訪談資料的分析,得出本研究之結果與發現。本研究之發現如下:1.在參與親子體能遊戲課程之後,父母親的運動自我效能較佳,也就是對運動的認同及持續規律運動的自信心增加。2.親子體能遊戲課程具有許多助益,幫助父母親運動自我效能的提升。3.親子體能課程介入一個月後,父母親自己認為對運動的把握程度較之前改善。本研究之結果不但讓我們對於親子體能遊戲課程的益處有更多的了解,也提供學校、社區及健康中心作為推行之參考。
Due to the importance of the exercise to our health, this study attempted to find out theinfluences of the parent-child fitness-play curriculum to parents’ exercise self-efficacy, and thechanges after one month at the end of the program. The parent-child fitness-play curriculum hasbeen designed. It takes about 110 minutes once a week for ten weeks in total. Twenty parents andtheir kids were joined in the program. Questionnaires were used and were analyzed by using thet-test. The qualitative focus group discussion and individual interviews were also been used andanalyzed. The results showed that not only parents’ exercise self-efficacy increased, but also theirexercise frequencies rose after they joined this sport program. There were many advantages of theparent-child fitness-play program which increased the parents’ exercise self-efficacy. After amonth of the fitness program, parents still believed that their exercise self-efficacy was better thannever joined before. These findings help us to have a better understanding of the parent-childfitness program’s benefits. It can also be a good reference for the schools, communities and thehealth centers to prove parent-child fitness programs.
起訖頁 63-93
關鍵詞 運動自我效能親子體能遊戲體能遊戲課程exercise self-efficacyparent-child fitness-play curriculumfitness-play curriculum
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 200907 (2期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 雙薪家庭的學習需求──以台南縣國小教師生活面向為例
該期刊-下一篇 攝影技術在嬰幼兒教保的應用--研究、教育及評量之應用




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