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Relationship between Precision Delivery of Native Advertising and Unity of Brand and Effect
作者 邊哲偉梁宇菡黃欣儀王磊 (WANG Lei)江明翰
At the present stage, mobile terminal is gradually becoming a fundamental tool, which helps building relationship between not only man and man, but people and things. As the time’s fragmentization, screen’s separating and IP’s diversification develop, the medium starts to lose its centre. Beyond that, the new mobile lifestyle offers new communication opportunities. 'Advertising can also be a part of life.' This sentence comes from the popularization information of WeChat on January 21, 2015. In such a big data era, advertisement marketing is required to evolve into the precision delivery stage of original scene. Precision, is now absolutely necessary to not only the brands, but media platforms and users. This paper starts with illuminating the core purport of native advertising, after which it summarizes the concept of native advertising and precision delivery, and then clarifies not only the relationship between native advertising and precision delivery, but the commercial and communication value of the combination of them. In the initial of precision delivery, this study points out the contradiction between brand and effect. In addition, through the analysis of the Cenozoic people, key nodes such as the 'unity of brand and effect,' as well as some individual cases, the study concludes the scientific solution. It is hoped that the research and discussion in this paper will be helpful in precision delivery of native advertising.
起訖頁 81-91
關鍵詞 原生廣告精准投放品效合一native advertisingprecision deliveryunity of brand and effect
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201706 (15期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 國小高年級學生家庭文化資本、社會支持對於運動社團學習成效差異之研究
該期刊-下一篇 遊客觀點:珠海農科奇觀發展策略初探




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