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Application of the social ecological model to analysis the Japanese older adult exercise policy and programs
作者 何信弘 (Hsin-Hung Ho)方怡堯 (I-Yao Fang)張少熙 (Shao-Hsi Chang)方佩欣
In this study, a comparative analysis older adult exercise policy and programs between Taiwan and Japan, and make specific recommendations. This study adopted literature analysis to bring out Taiwan and Japan older adult exercise health related strategies through social ecological model. Based on our analysis showed that Japan's intervention both for health and exercise, Taiwan tended to emphasis much on health care benefits rather than exercise. From a community perspective, Japan pay more attention to community-dwelling older adult to foster the development of independent sports programs, rather than by the government-led model in Taiwan. In interpersonal perspective, they have some common program, especially in peer instructor training and empowerment. The personal physical activity recommendations are constructed by professional organizations in conformity with longitudinal investigations and policy amendment in Japan, and Taiwan is currently in in fledgling stage. We advocate that the government should support and encourage continuing academic institutions engaged in basic research in order to investigate the amount of physical activity and sports-related conversion policy foundation for the community of voluntary exercise groups. These findings could offer evidence basics for the government in Taiwan to develop the exercise promotion policy and project of older adults.
起訖頁 169-185
關鍵詞 社會生態學模式健康促進身體活動量social ecological modelhealth promotionphysical activity
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201606 (13期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 在地老化意涵與面向之分析:以臺灣六都高齡福利措施為例
該期刊-下一篇 智慧型手機運動App Nike+破壞性創新之探討




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