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From Sadness to Vulgar but Powerful: The Transformation of Taiwanese Folk Culture
作者 王志弘江欣樺
This article explores the transformation of the folk culture in Taiwan. In contrast to the gradual development of Taiwanese cultural hierarchy in Qing Dynasty, “the stratification of ethnicity” came to dominate the institution during the Japanese colonial period and the post-war authoritative period. The distinction of the culture at that time, whether assumed refined or vulgar, was made in compliance with the ethnic boundary. The Min Nan, Hakka, and aboriginal culture were hence suppressed and often expressed sadness. The folk culture however still retained its economic legitimacy rooted in the subaltern’s emotional familiarity, and gradually flourished with the emergence of consumer society after the 1980s. It is often materialized as objects or images which are flamboyant, glittering, vulgar but powerful, and being stigmatized by the cultural elite. From the1990s onwards, the folk culture begins to obtain cultural legitimacy since the taste hierarchy is overturned facing the localization and democratization of the Taiwanese society. The folk culture is even dubbed with political righteousness as it is appropriated by the political system and helps expand the market of folk culture, which answers its role in the economic rationality. Nevertheless, as the ethnic stratification of the folk culture begins to dissolve, a new tendency of “the ethnicitization of class” also comes into being. The seemingly popular folk culture actually disconnects from the emotional familiarity of the lower class, and therefore loses its subversive implication.
起訖頁 47-70
關鍵詞 庶民文化屬民品味政治文化治理folk culturethe subalterntaste politicscultural governance
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201606 (13期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
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