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Research on Tactics Application in Judose Match
作者 黃章權黃蕙娟
The observation method and referring to match data are mainly used to carry out statistical analysis against the tactics movement in the 6 top judose matches from 2009 to 2014. The results show that tactics application is the main method to score and win. The highest usage rate is the flick-push tactics, while the lowest usage rate is the knee swing and knee overlapping tactics. The men’s tactical level is higher than women’s tactical level; men’s tactical development is relatively balanced while women’s tactical development is unbalanced and weak in attack tactics. The research also shows that: knee lift, knee overlapping and knee swing tactics are better in the scoring effect, belong to attack tactics; butting belongs to defensive tactics; down-press and flick-push belong to both attack and defensive tactics. Suggestions: the application of tactics that players are good at should be valued in the match to pay more attention to the balanced development of each tactics in the training; the research into scientific selection of player and training should be strengthened to perfect the sports training system; the judose sports tactics should be dug to promote the development of sports tactics level.
起訖頁 135-145
關鍵詞 腳鬥士技術運用統計分析judosetactics applicationstatistical analysis
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201512 (12期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 參與動機、阻礙與再參與意願關係之研究--以自行車活動為例
該期刊-下一篇 以家長式領導觀點探究我國非營利體育運動組織之組織文化




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