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An Analysis of Marketing and Public Relations Media Execution Strategies by Mixed Method
作者 李嘉宜 (Chia-Yi Li)倪瑛蓮 (Ying-Lien Ni)施致平 (施致平)
Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) is the largest professional sport leagues in Taiwan. The operation of marketing and public relations media strategies often played the role of medium for professional sport organizations to build up the relationships with consumers. Therefore, the study focused on analyzing the execution strategies of marketing and public relations media in CPBL and teams to understand the division of labor, the operation of the marketing and public relations media strategies, furthermore, to provide good references for CPBL and related units. In-depth interview was one of the main methods; interviewees included secretary general of CPBL and team managers. Supplemented questionnaires survey was also used along with simple random sampling, subjects being the on-site spectators of CPBL regular season in 2012. Effective returned surveys were 381 copies. The marketing and public relations organization had a basic division of labor; however, the division of functions and powers was not clear while the operation of public relations relatively weak. The degree of CPBL consumer’s knowledge and identity toward marketing strategy and public relations media greatly varied. The range was generally between “neither agree nor disagree” and “agree”. In “Understanding” part, “place” got the highest score, while “public relations media” the lowest. In “identity” part, “promotion” got the highest score, while “price” the lowest. The operation of CPBL marketing strategy was to be revitalized; The practice of public relations media to be implemented solidly. CPBL and professional baseball teams could extend market segmentation and product differentiation and activate sport marketing strategy in order to develop their own unique blue sea strategy. Place and price were the key factors that influenced consumers’ intention to watch sport events. CPBL should discuss and formulate its marketing and public relations media strategy according to consumer characteristics and should raise consumers’ understanding and identity toward CPBL so that viewing intention can be enhanced effectively.
起訖頁 15-36
關鍵詞 中華職棒行銷策略公共關係邏輯斯迴歸混合方法CPBLmarketing strategypublic relations mediaLogistic Regression nalysisMixed method
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201512 (12期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 自我構念、品牌涉入對於品牌個性的影響──以e-Sport遊戲置入為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺東縣消防人員休閒參與對身心健康影響之研究




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