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A Study of the Relationship between Leisure Constraints and Leisure Negotiation: An Example of Senior and Vocational High School Military Instructors in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung County
作者 黃意茹馬上閔彭武村謝孟志
本研究目的旨在探討高屏地區高中職軍訓教官休閒阻礙與協商策略之情形。本研究針對102學年高屏地區高中職校軍訓教官為對象,以普測方法,發放問卷411份,回收有效問卷376份,並將回收資料透過SPSS for Windows 18.0以描述統計、多元階層迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。研究結果發現:(一)最大休閒阻礙因素為「結構阻礙」,休閒協商策略以「金錢協商策略」為主要選擇;(二)休閒阻礙能顯著正向預測時間協商策略及金錢協商策略;(三)心理阻礙、興趣阻礙能顯著負向預測金錢協商策略;結構阻構能顯著正向預測金錢協商策略及整體休閒協商策略。建議(一)教育行政機關增加親子共同參與項目藉以提高軍訓教官休閒活動的參與程度;(二)未來研究者可考慮將其他相關因素納入研究變項,如人格特質、協商效能等相關因素,讓研究更為詳盡與周延。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between leisure constraints and negotiation strategies among senior and vocational high school military instructors in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung. A questionnaire survey was administered. A total of 411 questionnaires were distributed, of which 376 were valid. The data were analyzed by descriptive and hierarchical regression analyses. Conclusions were as follows: (a) The major constraints was structural constraints; the leading negotiation strategy was financial improvement. (b) The overall leisure constraints could significantly predict two negotiation strategies of time management and financial improvement. (c) The psychological constraints and interest constraints could significantly predict financial improvement. (d) The structural constraints could significantly predict financial improvement and overall leisure negotiation strategies. Based on the results, suggestions and practical implications were addressed in this study.
起訖頁 25-38
關鍵詞 阻礙協商教官多元迴歸Constraints NegotiationMilitary InstructorsMultiple Regression
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201506 (11期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 松山區體育會少年社區棒球隊發展趨勢之初探
該期刊-下一篇 社會距離對遊客之原住民觀光旅遊動機和行為意向的影響




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