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The Preliminiary Investigation of Shonshan District Athletics Federation’s Community Baseball Team
作者 王冠閔
Purpose: The study was to explore the how a community baseball team manage and what obstruction may occur. Method: The study methods took participant observation and semi-structured interview to construct the progress of community baseball team of Shonshan district athletics federation. Result: The study orient to two different periods: germinating period (2005~2007) , rooting period (2007~2013) . In 1st period, the recruits and manage is tough. In 2nd period, the manager established a baseball committee which is belonged Shonshan district athletics federation. Therefore the team had more resource can be used, such as claim and identify a baseball field. Conclusion: After analyzing the baseball team’s internal and external surrounding. There is some obstruction ever since the team was found. Internal surrounding: fund source is limited; external surrounding: the baseball field is very important for sport organizations. Advice: (1) To get cooperation with both internal and external resources, be positive to ask for help and be alone. (2) To use methods in line with local circumstances. (3) Take a sympathetic attitude towards other publics give them plenty connection and coordination to make things much more satisfactory.
起訖頁 11-23
關鍵詞 運動組織運動阻礙全民運動sport organizationssport obstructionsport-for-all
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201506 (11期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 2008-2012年臺灣體育與運動學術領域研究中應用結構方程模式論文建立殘差關係之探討
該期刊-下一篇 休閒阻礙與協商策略之研究--以高屏地區高中職軍訓教官為例




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