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Topic: The Study of The Relationship Among Word-of-Mouth and Brand Equity of A Industrial tourism-A Case of White Wood House Brand Discovery Gallery
作者 周美伶張簡惠湘
品牌是觀光工廠經營的基礎,而口碑傳播作為主要的行銷管道之一,探討口碑傳播對品牌權益之影響,有相當的重要性。本文主旨在探討消費情況、口碑傳播行為與品牌權益三者間的關係。以白木屋品牌探索館為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式,就參觀過觀光工廠者,進行問卷調查。以SPSS 18.0進行信度分析、敘述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及複迴歸模型分析,進行資料分析。研究結果證實正面口碑散布正向增強品牌權益程度,高於口碑散布行為,且有體驗經驗與參觀次數越多者,信賴感、認同感分數越高。而已婚者與高收入者,則對觀光工廠,有較高之社會印象與認同感。建議廠商可以已婚者與收入較高者為利基市場,定期變化觀光工廠展示與體驗的內容,以滿足家庭成員的需求,並吸引消費者重複來館體驗,將有助於提升信賴感與認同感。此外,可以針對來廠參與活動者,給予實質獎勵,鼓勵他們以口語或網路,分享正面口碑經驗,將有效提升本身的品牌權益。
Brands form the basis of the tourism industry and word-of-mouth is the primary marketing channel in this industry; thus, studying the relationship between brand equity and word-of-mouth is crucial. However, few studies have investigated how word-of-mouth affects brand equity in the tourism industry. This paper addresses the relationship between consumption behavior, word-of-mouth, and brand equity by using the White Wood House Brand Discovery Gallery as a case study. In this study, 300 questionnaires were distributed to visitors, of which 291 were completed. The results of the multiregression model revealed that positive word-of-mouth improved the extent to which people identified with brands, and the perceived performance level, social image, value, trustworthiness of those brands. Positive word-of-mouth was found to affect brand equity more than simply hearing about a brand. In addition, visitors who had the industrial tourism’s consumption experience perceived brands to be more trustworthy, and identified more with brands, compared with those who did not. Based on the social image and identification scores on the questionnaire, we determined that the White Wood House Brand Discovery Gallery should target married and high-income visitors as a niche market to improve their brand equity; the DIY experience and display content should also be regularly changed to attract families and repeat visitors. Furthermore, gifts should be distributed to visitors, encouraging them to use their personal interactions or the Internet to share positive word-of-mouth.
起訖頁 59-79
關鍵詞 觀光工廠口碑傳播品牌權益Tourism IndustryWord-of-MouthBrand Equity
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201312 (8期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市立動物園的遊憩化觀視與自然化地景:動物倫理觀點的分析
該期刊-下一篇 網球賽會滿意度、參與者動機與再參與意願之研究




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