中文摘要 |
奧運游泳比賽的項目共20項,其獎牌數遠高於其它運動項目,近年來百公尺游泳比賽成績有大幅的進步的趨勢,而且也如2008年菲爾普斯奪得八面金牌,成為奧林匹克運動會史上獲得最多金的運動員。游泳比賽是以一定距離完成之成績為判定勝負之客觀比賽競賽項目,其成績進步應是每位選手及教練努力的主要目標。從1896年第一屆奧林匹克運動會自由式100m就被列為比賽項目之一,當時男子第一名比賽成績1”22’2秒(俞繼英,2001),直至2008年奧運會100m成績47.21秒,成績進步34秒多,這些進步是經過112年來投入運動科學訓練及裝置設備改進的結果。本研究目的為比較2000至2008年間奧運游泳100m自由式男、女成績和各分段成績的差異及相關性情形。以奧運會公布之準決賽前八名男、女共三屆48名選手成績為資料,以單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson)考驗各屆成績間的差異與各分段成績的相關性。結果以比賽成績來看各屆成績以2008年之100m自由式成績顯著優於2000和2004年成績(F=18.45,p<.05;F=7.23,p=.001<.05);以分段成績比較,女子於前50m的比賽成績2008年顯著優於2000和2004年兩屆成績;2008年男子成績於反應時間,前、後50m成績顯著優於2000和2004年成績。男子反應時間與前50m成績有顯著相關,男女選手前50m(r=0.77,r=0.78)和後50m成績(r=0.84,r=0.78)與100m的最終成績有顯著相關。三屆的奧運成績看來,百公尺游泳成績有逐年進步的趨勢,其又以2008年的成績最為優異,其進步從成績和分段成績可以觀察出結果。 |
英文摘要 |
To compare the 2000 to 2008 Olympic male and female 100m swim performance and results. Methods: There were collected total 48 between 2000-2008 Olympic Games final male and female results. Using One-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation to examine the score differences and correlation between these groups. Results: The male and female 2008 100m freestyle scores were significantly better then 2000 and 2004 (F = 18.45, p < .05; F = 7.23, p =. 001 < .05). In sub-comparison results showed that female’s first 50 meters score 2008, male react time, first and final 50 meters score were significant better then 2004 and 2000. The correlation between each sub-score were male reaction time, first and final 50 meters; female first and final 50 meters were significant correlation final result. Conclusions: segmentation results can predict the results, and it can be and reference at speed and intensity of training. |