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The Study on Xiamen Tongan Song Jiang Troupe
作者 陳冠伶 (Kuan-Ling Chen)李榮家
This study aimed to probe into the organization, training and development profile of Song-Jiang Troupe in Xiamen Tongan. This study employed qualitative study, using data analysis and field investigation which summarized the information gathered integration, interpretation, research and analysis and concluded. Tongan Song-Jiang Troupe derived from Zheng Chenggong's military training and tactical deployment. Danxi Song-Jiang Troupe integrated with Quanzhou Anxi LongJuan Song-Jiang Troupe for immigration factors. Danxi Song-Jiang Troupe had triennial Longjuan pilgrimage; Zaoshui Song-Jiang Troupe had its own village temple activities and it also coordinated with the Tongan festival performances. The organization operation of Song-Jiang Troupe: Huaxing School had two guidance teachers and one guidance instructor; DanXi and ZaoShui had a responsible person respectively. Danxi Song-Jiang Troupe owned old weapons; Zaoshui had a wide variety of Song-Jiang Troupe weapons; Huaxing schools had its own existing Song-Jiang Troupe weapons. Drums were used as the single theme with gongs and cymbals accompaniment. Only Huaxing School using the music player. For the tactical deployment of troops, it includes Cylindrical Array, Opening Four Gates, Sub-array, Centipede Array, Snake Array (Tornadoes Water), Eight-Diagram Tactic, Needle Array and Dongnanxibei Hit Array. Danxi Song-Jiang Troupe located in remote area; besides, it was facing the problems of difficult to recruit new members and still using old and damaged equipments.
起訖頁 85-102
關鍵詞 宋江陣廈門同安Song-Jiang TroupeXiamen Tongan
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201012 (2期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 自閉症學生參與適應體育成效之探討
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣地區體育運動休閒管理相關科系專業人力現況之探討




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