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The Political Economy of the Implementing Dawei SEZ: Challenges and Opportunities for Sub Regional Economic Development
作者 Sasinan Kruaechaipinit (Sasinan Kruaechaipinit)
Economic development is directly connected with the development of technology of industries. Still, recent urbanization in Southeast Asia has been driven by rapid industrialization with little or unclear development planning and strategic overview. The provision of transportation infrastructure connectivity has lagged far behind the development process. To engage greater sub regional economic growth and connectivity, the subsequent of road or railroad linkage has necessarily been accommodated within an existing urban structure. Considering the cross-border transport infrastructure in East Asia, the location of Myanmar is crucial in connecting China, India and ASEAN countries. The idea of sub regional economic integration through trade linkage and infrastructure development has been central to the Southeast Asia region’s evolving political economy. As a former blind spot in the region, Myanmar is now pursuing its economic development in regional networks of trade and investment. Myanmar’s Dawei SEZ is an ongoing project in the southernmost coastal area of Myanmar to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and hope to end the long-term economic stagnation of the country. This paper concentrates on the political economy of implementing Dawei SEZ. It finds that in order to realize further industrialization, it is necessary to point out Myanmar’s political economy. These factors are suggested to be accompanied with the success of this project and the economic development of Myanmar. The paper concludes that the strong political and economic institutions and an overall climate in Myanmar that supports the investments in Dawei SEZ are more important in helping promote stable growth in the region.
起訖頁 19-86
關鍵詞 Dawei SEZpolitical economyeconomic developmentMyanmar
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201403 (5:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 運用風險管理與事件樹方法建構城市建築防火及消防安全對策--以高科技廠房火災風險評估為例
該期刊-下一篇 台灣建立健康及高齡友善城市之歷程、評量系統與未來趨勢




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