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The Countermeasures of Fire Prevention and Safety of Urban Building by Using Risk Management and Event Tree Method: A Case on Fire Risk Assessment of High-Tech Plan
作者 王君維林宜君
本研究藉由災例探討高科技廠房火災成因,與造成損失擴大原因,達到辨識火災危害因子目的;其次探討如何建立高科技廠房火災風險評估準則,尋求損失預防抑制因應對策;最後探討如何以風險矩陣方式作為風險轉嫁決策參考。本研究目的如下:一、藉由事件樹分析高科技廠房重大火災案例過程並建立不同的情境、獲得較客觀的量化風險等特性,因此本文引用葉宇光(2009),與Greenberg and Cramer(1991)以事件樹概念建立火災危害因子架構。二、以重大火災案例之原因及造成損失擴大原因為研究基礎架構,再藉由專家問卷AHP層級分析法方式建立高科技廠房火災風險評估分級準則。三、引用錢擴仁(2006),「住宅火災風險評估之研究」,與Buchanan(2000)以土木結構檢測之DERU方式評估作業環境安全、避難逃生風險值,訂出生命安全危害度與財產危害度,由安檢人員實際檢查時予以量化分數,以求對高科技廠房火災危害達到最佳化風險管理。
This study discusses the fire causes and reason of expanded loss on high-tech plant. By using the concept of event tree, factors are evaluated to achieve the identification of fire hazard; Second, we discuss how to create a criteria of fire risk assessment on high-tech plant and seek the responsive strategies of loss prevention ; Finally, by civil engineering structure detection of DERU way (hazard degree (Degree; D), hazard extent (Extent; E), the influence of security (by Relevancy; R) urgency of maintenance (Urgency; U), we assess the security of operating environment and evacuation risk of operator to set hazards degree of life safety and property loss. Fire risk assessment grading criteria of high-tech plant would be established to measure the high-tech plant fire hazards.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 事件樹D.E.R.U.火災風險管理event treeD.R.U.fire risk management
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201403 (5:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-下一篇 The Political Economy of the Implementing Dawei SEZ: Challenges and Opportunities for Sub Regional Economic Development




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