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The Development of Marine Energy Laws and Regulations in U.K. — Scotland as an Example
作者 蔡岳勳羅潔恩曾鈺雯 (Yu-Wen Tseng)
近年來氣候變遷(Climate change)越演越烈,許多地方開始出現極端氣候的現象,不少生物環節也因為氣候變遷而改變。全球各地開始正視氣候變遷的問題。各國積極地發展不同的再生能源(Renewable energy)以減緩地球暖化的速度,並提升自己國家的能源安全(Energy security)。以臺灣而言,目前具有發展潛力的能源技術包括:風能(Wind power)、太陽能(Solar Energy)、生質能(Biological energy)、地熱能(Geothermal energy)、海洋能(Marine energy)、氫能與燃料電池(Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells)。
To combat with climate change, has been a global cooperative object. And many nations are adopting renewable technologies and policies not only as important means to mitigate the effects of climate change, but also to improve the energy security. In Taiwan, several renewable energy technologies, such as wind powerenergy, solarenergy, biomass, geothermalenergy, marineenergy and hydrogen energy and fuel cells, are with great potential to be deployed in Taiwan.
Taiwan, like U.K., is an island with great potential of natural resources to deploy renewable energies achieving environmental sustainability, in particular the use of marine energy. This paper aims to survey the recent developments of marine energy policies in U.K. and Scotland, with the focuses on its policy and legislative development, the initiation of its marine energy demonstrative zone, and relevant legislative details.
The Energy Bureau of MOEA, Taiwan, has devoted resources to marine energy’s research and development since 2008, but the development of marine energy is still limiteddue to technology restrain. Moreover, the deployment of marine energy in Taiwan is also facing legality limitation, such as the complex implications among marine coast laws, environmental impact assessment laws and fisheries laws. By surveying the marine energy laws and policies in U.K., this paper hopes to provide a good reference for future development of marine energies in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 海洋能源再生能源英國再生能源Marine EnergyRenewable EnergyRenewable Energy Polices in U.K.
刊名 科技法學論叢  
期數 201705 (11期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學科技法律研究所
該期刊-下一篇 著作的網路平台發展與音樂產業之挑戰




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