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Mindful Tea-Chan which Leads to Happiness
作者 薄培琦
現代人特別重視幸福,追求幸福,生活中常見冠上幸福的文創發想,看似簡單卻很抽象。如何釐清幸福的概念,參考ComeForHealth-CFH 健康知識網提供的幸福(快樂)問卷(OHQ)測驗,由牛津幸福(快樂)量表(OHI)演變而來,心理學家Michael Argyle 和牛津大學的Peter Hills 以貝克憂鬱量表 (BeckDepression Inventory) 為基礎所編製。幸福包含七個概念, 分別為樂觀(optimism)、社會承諾 (social of control)、正向情感 (positive affect)、掌控感 (senseof control)、身體健康 (physical fitness)、自我滿足 (satisfaction with self) 與心理警覺 (mental alertness) 等。由此可以幸福不離人與自我、人與他人、人與環境等面向,當身心作用維持平衡,生命本質處於安穩狀態,幸福感油然而生。佛教研究身、心變化的著作《阿毗達摩》(Abhidhamma),對於生命存在現象及禪修實作反應有清楚的分析,筆者認為其中對於身心愉悅感的分析,可為幸福感的比對參考。現代正念學立基於傳統禪修技巧,在筆者〈正念運用於宗教教誨之研究-以明德戒治分監收容人為例〉一文,透過正念茶禪課程,觀察到持續練習正念,得以體會內心寧靜、身心愉悅,此為導向幸福人生之可能性。以此,本文將論述正念茶禪導向幸福的可能。
Nowadays people put a lot of stress on happiness and pursuing happiness.Meanwhile a lot of imagination on happiness is found in our daily life. It seemssimple, but abstract. So how do we make clear all these concepts about happiness?I consulted the questionnaire of happiness (OHQ) on CFH(ComeForHealth) web.OHQ is derived from Oxford Happiness lnventory (OHl). OHl came from BeckDepression lnventory by Psychologist Michael Argyle and Peter Hills from Oxforduniversity. OHl includes seven concepts: optimism, social promise, positiveaffection, sense of control, physical fitness, satisfaction with self and mentalalertness. From OHl, we may see roughly that happiness involves three aspects:people and self, people and others, people and environment. When mental andphysical function is kept balanced, and when nature of life stays stable, sense ofhappiness arises spontaneously.Buddhism works study different aspects about physical andmental states. It has a very clear analysis about the phenomenon of life existenceand meditation reaction. I suppose what is analyzed about physical and mental joyin it can be contrasted with sense of happiness.Modern mindfulness is based ontraditional meditation techniques. I had a research . I found that by means of Mindful tea chan course continuousmindfulness practices helped experience joy and peace physically and mentally,which can be guided to get a happy life. Therefore, this article will state thepossibility of a happy life which is made possible by mindful Tea-Chan.
起訖頁 101-115
關鍵詞 正念茶禪幸福MindfulnessTea-ChanHappiness
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201503 (46期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 老人自由需求符合程度、社會支持與幸福感之相關研究




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