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Carl Jung's Analytic Psychology and the Secret of the Golden Flower on the Thinking of Mandala
作者 陳繼權
Carl Jung’s theory of psychoanalysis and Chinese Taoist book T’ai I Chin Hua TsungChih (The Secret of Golden Flower ) about Neidan practices(internal alchetype) both arethe formations from different cultural backgrounds and time periods. Nevertheless bothshare the same goal which is trying to go beyond the personal life in order to meet theinfinite progress of cosmos. In this way Jung thinks the Self is thus presented through theprocess of individualization. The Self is the central archetype which is the totality of thepersonality and symbolized by the mandala. For Chinese believes through the spiritualpractice of internal alchemy one will get the golden elixir known as Jindan(金丹) which issymbolized by the mandala of the golden flower. Thus, in order to find out the origin of lifewe have to turn inward, in this way we sent the flow of life back to the unconsciousness.Then the symbol of the golden flower as one of an example appears from the archetype inthe field of the unconsciousness. However the mandala we discover in the collectiveunconscious has the wholeness of the Self and power within.
起訖頁 55-74
關鍵詞 榮格太乙金華宗旨曼陀羅個體化歷程中心的象徵對立的統一Carl G. JungThe Secret of Golden Flowermandalathe process of individualizationSymbolism of the CenterCoincidentia oppositorum
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201409 (45期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 論黑澤明電影《生之欲》中本真生活的追尋




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