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Woman’s initiative Yuriko Nakayou’s『Nobuko』
作者 王淑芬 (Shu-Fen Wang)
This article, explore the idea of Yuriko Nakazyou’s 『Nobuko』.『Nobuko』 is YurikoNakazyous autobiographical novel. This book describes the actor Nobuko Sasa, about hermarriage.While she went to the USA, and she met Itirou Tsukuda.They felled in love with each other,and got married. However, after the marriage she still wanted to continue writing. Then shefelt that she can not match with her husband in spirit, mind etc. But her husband thoughtthat everything was fine.Nobuko was so depression because of the marriage was killing her spirit life and writingand so on. Most of all her husband refuses to devoice. She tried to accept it, but she couldnot convince herself.Over the past Japanese women, the right to decide their own marriage had been ignored,especially in the patriarchal system. Have to be married in accordance with the wishes oftheir parents. Even if the women themselves dissatisfied with the marriage, they have norights to decided to divorce or not. The author Yuriko Nakazyou through the actor-Nobukoto express: Women are human beings, Can have human right , but also the exercise ofinitiative on their marriage. By human right which enabled her to live herself.
起訖頁 131-148
關鍵詞 宮本百合子(中條百合子)伸子結婚權離婚權主導權Yuriko Nakazyou:Nobuko:Marriage:Divorce:initiative
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201309 (43期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 論黑澤明電影《亂》中的狩獵意象
該期刊-下一篇 論四善根




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