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Le Quy Don’s evaluation on Zhu Xi’s thoughts of Book of Documents (Shujing)─A case study of Interpretation of Book of Documents (Shujing Yanyi)
作者 阮金山
Among Vietnamese Confucians in the 18th century, Le Quy Don was a polymath whose writings of many kinds covered various fields such as Confucian classics, history, literature, geography, evidential tudy and so on. In 1772, he completed Interpretation of Book of Documents (Shujing Yanyi), which is based on the 58 articles of Book of Documents (Shujing). This book is a record of Le Quy Don’s personal insights and unique views about Book of Documents and can be seen to be written for teaching high-level intellectuals Confucian classics generally and Book of Documents particularly, thereby studying deeply or applying to real life and promoting its thoughts. Because the content of Interpretation of Book of Documents includes original texts, Zhu Xi’s interpretation and Shen Yue’s Commentary Collection of Book of Documents (Shujizhuan), it can be concluded that Le Quy Don had read and interpreted Book of Documents based on Great Complete Book of Documents (Shujing Daquan) which was widely circulated in East Asian scholarship from the 15th century. In fact, Zhu Xi had not thoroughly studied and discussed Book of Documents. His most famous academic achievement is compiling Commentary Collection of Four Books (Sishu Jizhu) and annotating Book of Poems (Shijing) and Commentary about Book of Changes (Yizhuan). From this point, coupled with Gu Yanwu’s achievements of evidential study and his adjustment of the concept of 'principle' (li), we can find that Le Quy Don was a Confucian influenced by the Qing scholarship. He belonged to the group who came out to defend the Confucian orthodoxy. It is a symbol proving that Confucianism in Vietnam had been adjusted and integrated into the Confucianism in East Asia in the 18th century. Only a few paragraphs of Zhu Xi which discussed Book of Documents were scattered in A Collection of Conversations of Master Zhu (Zhuzi Yulei) compiled by his disciples. Zhu Xi's important viewpoint, thought of Neo-Confucianism and the spirit of 'daowenxue' were highly respected. Le Quy Don also discussed Zhu Xi in a comparative relation with Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming. His interest in Book of Documents is reflected in Commentary Collection of Book of Documents by his disciple Cai Shen. It is also said that Zhu Xi’s discussion on Book of Documents are concentrated in Cai Shen’s writing. These proves that Le Quy Don had thoroughly studied A Complete Collection of Philosophical Essays (Xingli Daquan) which had heavily influenced on Vietnam through its use in education and imperial examination.
起訖頁 25-40
關鍵詞 朱熹書經衍義越南儒學家Zhu XiBook of DocumentsinterpretationVietnamese Confucian scholar
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201712 (25期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 超凡即聖──從密教觀點探討民間視李靖為毗沙門天王之思考進路
該期刊-下一篇 秦簡牘和《張家山漢簡》文字構形比較析論──以秦簡牘「簡化」、「繁化」及「異化」現象的字例為考察中心




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