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From the Worldliness into Sainthood─A Buddhist Mysticism Reading on the Plausibility of Li Jin’s Becoming Image as Vaisramana
作者 吳泓哲
With the eastward transmission of Buddhism, the clashes between Buddhism and Chinese culture have brought forth immense influences on vernacular speeches, chanteable story-telling, literary works such as poetry, prose, and novel, as well as mural art and sculptures. As Buddhism spread eastward, the images of Buddha and Bodhisattva alter and are appropriated to fit into the local culture in different counties. Among these image appropriations, the transformed image of Vaisramana is worth noticing. Being a patron deity, Vaisramana is often known by the folk culture as a role of protector or guardian. In this sense, it is anticipatable that the image of Vaisramana may absorb the images of martial general or hero in diverse cultures, merging into a heroic figure. Through the two theoretical grounds of the Buddhist Mysticism of Three Disciplines as well as the Buddhist cosmology (or the concept of “tien”), this paper thus aims to explore the possibility of how Li Jin, a martial general, may become Vaisramana.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 李靖毗沙門天王三密相印護法Li JinVaisramanacosmology (“tien”)patron
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201712 (25期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 黎貴惇對宋朝朱熹論《書經》思想的評價——通過研究《書經衍義》分析




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