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The Research on the Change in Competency after Participation of Employees in Corporate Voluntary Service and the Influencing Factors
作者 鄭瀛川藍方璟
過去許多研究顯示志願服務對個人有許多幫助與學習。企業為了善盡企業對社會的責任,主動 將員工組成志工團體,或提供服務機會,鼓勵員工參與志願服務,而形成的企業志工。目前企業志 工研究文獻只談及企業參與志工服務對社會影響,以及企業志工參與後對企業的益處與效應。鮮少 談及員工在參與企業志工後,員工自身獲得的學習與影響。所以,本研究從職能觀點,整理員工參 與企業志工後,造成哪些職能改變?那些因素影響職能轉變?研究結果發現,企業志工在溝通能力、 情緒管理、關係維繫、團隊合作、顧客導向、規劃協調及領導能力七項職能上有轉變。影響其職能 轉變的因素包括1. 個人因素:個人信念、自省能力、轉換角度和運用;2. 他人因素:楷模學習、 貴人帶領及他人鼓勵;3. 環境因素:工作轉換及正向經驗。
Many studies have shown that participating in voluntary services are beneficial learning experience to the individual. In order for corporates to uphold their social responsibility, corporates organize their employees into volunteer groups or provide volunteering opportunities, encouraging employees to join volunteer services, thus creating corporate volunteers. Current literature on corporate volunteers only cover the effects on society and the benefits to the corporate itself. Seldom do they discuss the learnings and influences on the employees themselves after participation in corporate volunteering. From the competency viewpoint, this research organizes the different changes in competency and the factors that contribute to the changes after employees participate in corporate volunteering. This research shows that there are changes in seven categories in competence, communication skills, emotional management, relation maintenance, team work, customer orientation, organizational planning and leadership. Factors influencing competence changes include: 1. Personal: personal convictions, self-reflection, change of perspective and application; 2. Important others: learning from role models, guidance from benefactors and the encouragement of others; 3: Environmental: work conversion and positive experience.
起訖頁 079-098
關鍵詞 志願服務企業志工職能voluntary servicecorporate volunteerscompetency
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201712 (39:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 員工協助方案提供企業諮商服務過程中涉及雙重關係倫理議題之探討




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