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The Science of Muddling Through: Legislation and Making of Public Policy
作者 查理斯‧E. 林德布洛姆劉誠馮仕賢
In the study of public policy, it is generally accepted that administrator will adopt the method of Rational-Comprehensive (Root method) to formulate policies. According to this approach, policy makers begin addressing a particular policy issue by ranking values and objectives. Next, they identify and comprehensively analyze all alternative solutions, and making sure to account for all potential factors. In the final step, administrators choose the alternative that is evaluated as the most effective in delivering the highest value in terms of satisfying the objectives identified in the first step. However, Charles E. Lindblom pointed out that legislation and policy making are not a rational process of constructing the greatest benefit at the lowest cost, but rather a continuous and limited process. Realistic decision makers 'rarely presuppose the value, the means and the purpose of mixing each other, based on consent rather than testing, analysis means more diverse, little reliance on theory.'Thus, Lindblom advocates a legislative and policy process from a progressive and interactive perspective. In accordance with this progressive theory, legislation and policy making are the result of repeated 'interaction' of the multi-participant, rather than the result of the policy makers' rational 'decision'. Unlike the imagination of constructivism, legislation and policy making are in muddling through.
起訖頁 103-116
關鍵詞 立法公共政策建構方法漸進方法legislationpublic policyroot methodbranch method
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201709 (2:5期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 制度化與法治化:公眾立法參與的必然躍遷──以十份立法參與制度文本為基礎
該期刊-下一篇 新形勢下中國海外僑胞權益保護立法探討“中國海外僑胞權益保護立法的理論與實踐"學術論壇綜述




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