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The Theory and Practice Regarding of Legislation on Protection of Medicinal Herbs in South China
作者 安雪梅李瓊 (LI Qiong)
The Regulations of the Protection of Medicinal Herbs in the South China, which is released recently by Guangdong provincial government, is the first case establishing legislative protection for medicinal herbs. This regulation puts forward a series of systems that matches local reality, which serves as a lively case of local government to put scientific legislation into effect. Nevertheless, there are so many difficulties and obstacles during the process of legislation. For example, how can the National People's Congress lead legislation? How to establish relevant laws in the absence of higher norms? And how to standardize the responsibility of different department? As for the several problems above, the medicinal herbs protection regulation adopts a working mechanism during the setup process. It focuses on fore-end protection of herbs industry chain, while highlight several key steps like 'one protection fund, two protected bases', with the help of multiply system on quality controls. Moreover, under the direction of the recent legislative theories, the regulation targets the difficulties and then puts forward powerful scheme to solve it. Therefore, its relevant system design and legislation experience contains a lot of knowledge that worth recommending.
起訖頁 63-77
關鍵詞 嶺南中藥材立法保護保護環節智慧產權制度設計medicinal herbs in South Chinalegislative protectionprotection segmentintellectual propertysystem design
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201709 (2:5期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 農村集體建設用地使用權流轉的地方立法問題研究──以《廣東省集體建設用地使用權流轉管理辦法》為例
該期刊-下一篇 制度化與法治化:公眾立法參與的必然躍遷──以十份立法參與制度文本為基礎




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