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A Study on the Right of Proposing a Bill of Hong Kong Legislative Council-On the Relationship Between Administration and Legislation
作者 付婧
Under the framework of the Basic Law, the popularity and legitimacy of directly elected Members are generally considered to have caused the phenomenon that 'the LegCo has votes but no power and the Government has power but no votes'. The 'no power' here mainly means that the LegCo has no right of proposing a bill. Article 7 4 of the Basic Law stipulates that Members of the LegCo shall not submit bills relating to public expenditure, political system, government operation or government policy. At the same time, section 57 of the Rules of Procedure of the LegCo also limits the powers of Members to propose amendments. Despite this double restriction, LegCo has developed a more mature and independent, undisturbed internal operation procedure to exercise its basic legal powers. At the same time, the constitutional recession of the legislative power has also forced the LegCo to shift its focus to oversight the Government, such as questioning, debating and committee investigation. To a certain extent, the effective supervision of the legislature can make up for the parliamentary recession in the legislative function.
起訖頁 13-32
關鍵詞 香港立法會議員提案權行政與立法立法會議事規則Hong Kong Legislative CouncilMembers' right of proposing billsrelationship between administration and legislationrules of procedure of the LegCo
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201709 (2:5期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-下一篇 論香港《基本法》解釋機制的協調──基於全國人大常委會五次釋法的經驗




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