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The Codification of Labor Law with the Compilation of Civil Code
作者 李廣德
The codification of civil law can promote the legitimacy of the codification of relative laws. And the theory of civil code compilation can provide reference for the labor code, especially the legislative methodology. Chinese labor law scholars have been working very hard on codifying the labor law. However, the lack of inner harmony and the conflict of existing regulations deliberately constructs obstacles on the codification of China's labor laws which was once considered as a lofty idea for Chinese labor law scholars. One reason is that the codification of China's labor laws help settle the conflicts within the department laws and could supply rules out of practical rationality and empirical evidence, when the loophole and incompatibility within the present labor laws is difficult to meet the requirements of formal rationality. In the long run, more labor legislation in the future is an inevitable trend in order to settle the continuous labor disputes. All the above premises taken into account, there is urgent necessity to reach a consensus and make the advance planning of labor law codification with intention of coordinately and efficiently promoting the labor law system.
起訖頁 10-19
關鍵詞 民法典編纂勞動法律體系勞動法典法典編纂civil law codificationlabor law systemlabor codecodification
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201707 (2:4期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-下一篇 從民法總則到商法




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