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Analysis on the Development Trend of Local Environmental Legislation - Focusing on Guangdong's Environmental Legislation
作者 李摯萍
After the implementation of the newly revised Legislation Law of the People's Republic of China in 2015, local environmental legislation has entered a new era, with more than 270 districted cities being newly granted legislative power. It makes the development of local environmental legislation more pluralistic and diverse, and will promote the construction of China's environmental legal system and the modernization of environmental governance. At the same time, however, the potential conflicts of local environmental legislation brought by different legislative development stages, legislative experiences, legislative requirements, legislative hierarchy, and so on are also increasing, and more coordination is needed in the process of local environmental law-making. As for the further improvement, the local environmental legislation should accurately determine the local legislative needs, effectively solve local practical problems, give full play to the enthusiasm and innovation of local legislatures, maintain local legislation differences while strengthening legislation coordination, and guarantee the harmonious development of environmental legal system.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 地方環境立法立法協調立法創新local environmental legislationlegislation coordinationlegislation innovation
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201703 (2:2期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 俄羅斯對北方海航線相關立法述評




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