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Accrued Quality of Accounting Earnings and Management Incentive Contracting : Taking Listed Firms in Taiwan for Instance
作者 蕭哲芬趙雅儀蔡秋田劉子菁
This paper investigates the association between accruals quality of accounting earnings and the management in incentive contracting. Higher accruals quality, which measures the precision with which accruals predict future cash flows, should decrease the deviations of earnings from future cash flows and increase the sensitivity of earnings to cash flows that are not attributable to managerial actions. According to prior research papers, two commonly used performance measurements, especially accounting earning and stock return, are referred as the most important indicators of top management performance. This paper is designed to examine the exact impacts of accrual quality in accounting earning, together with stock return on the design of incentive plan in Taiwan's listed companies. The impacts will be examined in form of the change of relative weights in the performance indicators. Our empirical evidence have shown that better accruals quality is associated with a higher weight on earnings in compensation contracts, which suggests that accruals quality overall reduces the noise in earnings. Based on previous literatures, accruals quality are comprised with innate component and discretionary component, we also find that the positive association between accruals quality and the weights on accounting earnings in compensation contracts are mainly driven by innate accruals quality rather than the discretionary quality.
起訖頁 89-98
關鍵詞 應計品質薪酬合約盈餘Accruals QualityIncentive ContractingPerformance Pay Sensitivity
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201708 (6:特刊4期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 智慧家庭主要功能需求探討
該期刊-下一篇 陸軍砲兵實彈射擊訓練之風險管理研究──以南部某野戰砲兵部隊為例




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