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On the Single Most Vital Arc of Possibilistic Minimum Spanning Tree Problems
作者 林高正陳淑玲曾文宏許惠馨
An arc, whose removal from the network will lead to the maximum decrease in network performance, is called a single most vital arc. In this paper, it is pointed out that the problem of finding a single most vital arc in a network with possibilistic or stochastic arc weights should be divided into two situations. One situation is that the decision model of the network user is known in advance. Here, it is assumed that the user selects a spanning tree using the expected value model. However, in practice, the characteristic of the user usually can’t be known in advance. Therefore, we propose a parametric analysis method for the single most vital arc in this situation. The other situation is that the decision model of the network user is not known. For this situation, we use Lin and Chern’s approach to propose an algorithm for finding a single most vital arc.
起訖頁 157-170
關鍵詞 可能性最小生成樹期望值模式單一關鍵聯結參數分析可能性分配Possibilistic minimum spanning treesExpected value modelSingle most vital arcParametric analysisPossibility distribution
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊4期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 初次公開發行市場股票折價因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 結合KM與EMMS對設備效能改善之研究




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