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The Key Determinants of International Branding Strategy: An Example of Supplement Food
作者 蔡翼擎湯雅雯黃靖雅陳圓心謝溱祐
本研究探討保健食品業者如何有效建構國際品牌。本研究以Aaker品牌權益模式(Brand Equity)為理論基礎,採用分析階層程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),以產官學者為研究對象,驗證建構國際品牌之各前因變數之相對重要性,以期辨識出關鍵決策因素並排列出優先次序,歸納出企業建立國際品牌之有效決策模式。研究結果顯示,保健食品產業在建構國際品牌之重要決策因素之排序依次為:品牌知名度、知覺品質、品牌忠誠度、品牌聯想及其他專屬資產。同時,各前因變數之重點工作在品牌經驗、品牌識別、品牌具備優良品質、對該品牌之消費經驗、消費者經常性重複購買。
This study aimed to in-depth discussions on how the brands of Taiwan's supplement food could effectively establish their international reputation. Based on Aaker’s Brand Equity theory, this study takes experts in industry, government and academia fields as research subjects in analysis using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to verify the relative importance of each decision factor for establishment of international brands, determine the key decision factors among them, and prioritize the key decision factors to sort out the effective decision mode of enterprises for international brands establishment. This study discovered that the priority ranking of important antecedent variables was: brand reputation, perceived quality, brand loyalty degree, brand association, and other specific assets. The major tasks of the important antecedent variable were: “brand experience,” “brand identity,” “the excellent quality of a brand,” “Consumption Experience of a brand,”“regular purchase of the Consumers”.
起訖頁 139-157
關鍵詞 國際品牌品牌權益保健食品層級分析法International brandbrand equitysupplement foodanalytic hierarchy process (AHP)
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 子商品正逆物流運送整合之研究
該期刊-下一篇 運用層級分析法評估運動鞋產品之促銷活動




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