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A Core Decision Factors Research of the Cosmeceutical Store Expansion Strategy in Taiwan
作者 江淑惠陳志騰邱璦慧
The rising of people's awareness toward health and beauty makes the consumption of related products grow. Taiwanese's cosmeceutical stores have intensive competition and managers expand their market territory and provide services to consumers by opening new shops. However, the decisions-making of cosmeceutical store expansion is a complex issue because many indicators and criteria are included. According to previous literatures and experts interviews, this study summarizes decision-making factors of the cosmeceutical chain store expansion. Fuzzy Delphi Method is used to construct the hierarchy of expansion strategy. The research result shows that parking lot is not a key element of expansion decision-making. Because of limited space and crowded population, Taiwan's districts are mostly hybrid. Although store gathering could raise competition pressure, it denotes the potential sales of a district area. Furthermore, the stores characteristics of easy be found, smooth traffic flow, and big commodities display space encompass store appearance, brand awareness, and shopping convenience and comfortable. Experts believe that two internal factors, earnings forecasting and managers’ attitude, have more impact on expansion strategy than company's vision does. Moreover, long-term profitability is the most critical criterion while managers develop cosmeceutical store expansion strategy.
起訖頁 118-128
關鍵詞 模糊德爾菲法藥妝店展店Fuzzy Delphi MethodCosmeceutical storeExpansion
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 公司治理與資訊透明度之關聯性研究--以銀行業為例
該期刊-下一篇 子商品正逆物流運送整合之研究




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