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The study of Workload and Well-being for employees in the online game company-As gender moderator
作者 陳映羽羅健峰
Because of the development of globalization and popularization of the international network, people pay more attention to the part of entertainment. Today, one of the most affected industries is game industry. The huge competition was occurred among game companies due to the financial tsunami coming, leading to heavy workload to employees. The work content for game company employees is very clear and focus on teamwork, each one is the independent part but closed to each other. Therefore, the stress resistance, patience, carefulness and logical analysis capabilities are required and important to game company employees. The physical and mental burnout may be caused by excessive time pressure, making employees making employees felt unhappy. If they did not release the pressure of the workload through the effective way, the negative thought was accumulated and resulting in reducing the work enthusiasm and increasing the rate of demission. Finally, it causes damage to companies. Therefore, the aim of this study is focus on the effect of workload and well-being.
起訖頁 308-315
關鍵詞 工作負荷幸福感遊戲公司性別WorkloadWell-BeingGame CompanyGender
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 平衡計分卡觀點建構供應商績效評量--以外商公司為例
該期刊-下一篇 搬家公司競爭策略之初探:以康福搬家貨運公司為例




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