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Fire Hazard Factors, Fire Prevention Control Strategies For Low-rise Residential Buildings
作者 黃上遊黃然翁在龍
國內近年來發生火災,一直是以住宅建築火災發生機率比率為最高,而其中又以低層住宅佔大多數,雖說政府在推動防火防災的宣導上不餘遺力,但自民國 99 年起火災發生數下降率己超於緩和。本研究從火災原理進行探討,其次針對國內建築住宅類之建築法規和消防法規部份加以分析,再分析國內近五年的火災發生分類、用途、類別、高度、原因…等。結合以上之分析,並針對消防員在執行住宅建築物防災及救災任務時所面臨之困難點。列出問題,以專家訪談之方式統合意見。最後以SWOT分析,將住宅建築火害因子防救災之優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,整理歸納出策略矩陣,以期能夠有效降低住宅火災事件的發生。
For the past few years, it has the highest fire incident rate in residential buildings, and particularly the low-rise residential building is in majority. Although the Taiwan government has done great efforts for promoting fire propaganda, the fire incident rate has not declined lower and kept stably since the year of 2010. This study started from discusses of the fire incident occurrence, then analyzed building and fire regulations focusing on the residential type construction, and also analyzed, in recent 5 years, fire incident causalities, classifications, categories, and building altitude and purposes in Taiwan. It listed questions which brought from the above analysis, and difficulties from firemen when executing the fire prevention and relief in residential buildings to ask professionals for suggestions. In the final, it concluded strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of fire hazard factors in the fire prevention and relief by used the method of SWOT analysis to set strategies which hope to decline fire incident occurrences of residential buildings.
起訖頁 148-157
關鍵詞 低層住宅火災火害因子防救災Low-rise residential buildingsfire incidentfire hazard factorsfire prevention and relief
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 建立直升機主旋翼葉片維修策略
該期刊-下一篇 國小補習班之服務品質、企業形象與顧客滿意度研究




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