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QR Code智慧型藥袋藥物影音查詢系統
QR Code Intelligent Drug Bag Drug Query System
作者 王士豪陳嘉玫
目前國內醫療院所多能遵循衛生福利部頒布之16項藥物基本標示,但僅限於簡短文字說明及深奧的藥物英文專業學名,因此無法讓病患與家屬對於所服用之藥物能有更深入的了解,透過本文之系統有助於增進病患及家屬對於自身所用藥物的認知並提升用藥安全,進而改善醫病資訊不對稱。本文以漸增式資訊系統開發雛型法建構系統雛型,設計出一套與行動載具結合而成的影音藥物查詢系統,利用藥品的3D模型與動態影音藥品介紹做為內容,只要執行行動載具中Quick Response Code(QR Code)掃描功能,便能對藥物的具體資訊提供完整且深入的介紹。本研究可達成下列四項貢獻(1)增進全民對於藥物的認識、(2)利用互動式查詢於影音的用藥知識,加深使用者印象、(3)改善傳統處方箋與藥袋只有文字說明的缺點、(4)內容淺顯易懂,增加銀髮族與兒童用藥安全。
Most medical institutions comply with Ministry of Health and Welfare regulations to label the basic 16 items of medicine information. However, the labels tend to be limited in length due to the size of the label, and the contents are usually written in professional and scientific manner, inhibiting the patients and their family from comprehension of the medicines they take. The systems proposed in this paper can enhance the understanding of the medication by the patients and their family, thus reduce information asymmetry between medical institutions and the patients. This research proposes a medicine query system for mobile devices that integrates multimedia technologies. And the QR Code Drug query systems are developed with Incremental Prototype Method. By scanning the Quick Response Code (QR Code) with mobile devices, the patients can access the 3D models and multimedia introduction of the medication, thus obtain specific and in-depth information. So this research can make four contributions: (1) enhance general public’s understanding of medicines, (2) Impress medication receiver with interactive query and multimedia content, (3) Complement printed prescription and instructions on medicine bags, and (4) promote medication safety by providing plane and easy to understand content for elder citizens and kids.
起訖頁 224-233
關鍵詞 QR Code智慧處方箋藥袋藥物查詢用藥安全Intelligent Medical PrescriptionDrug bagDrug QueryDrug safety
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 探討電子商務研究發展方向的過去、現在與未來
該期刊-下一篇 建立飛機環控系統重要組件維修策略




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