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Using a Competency-Based to Training and Assessment of Information Management Experts at the Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus
作者 韓慧林張良政李柏誼謝孟庭黃煒程
近年來大學生人數越來越多,但畢業後失業率卻節節升高;同樣地,資訊管理學系之學生也面臨後續就業之問題,甚至有學非所用之憾,然於政府引進國際標準組織所頒布之「ISO10015品質管理--訓練指南」,以職能為基準,制定我國訓練品質系統(Taiwan TrainQuali System, TTQS)作為企業訓練之藍本。本研究藉此職能分析方法,由上而下,結合「中華工程教育學會」認證之過程,透過「知識、技能、能力與特質」等指標,並以實踐大學高雄校區資訊管理系之有關企業主管、家長、畢業生與在校生等有效問卷調查497份為依據,經腦力激盪方法,透過「知識、技術、能力與特質」指標,評估資訊管理人才所應具備之職能因素,做為資管系學習歷程、職能課程與成功謀職之參考。
In recent years, university students are more and more sustained increase but the unemployment rate has been rising after graduation. Similarly, the students of information management have been also facing the problem of employment and learned nothing to do with jobs. Then, the introduction of international standards “ISO10015 Quality Management-Guidelines for Training” issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is implemented in government. It sets a series of competency-based training systems “Taiwan TrainQuali System (TTQS)” as a corporate training course. In this study, from top to bottom, the competency-based, IEET-certified process (Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan) and methodologies are combined to assess the requirements of information management talent, through the “Knowledge, Skill, Ability and Others-Personal Characteristics (KSAOs)”. There are 497 effective questionnaires from the stakeholders of the Information Management Department at the Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus, requested to answer by business manager, students’ parents, graduates and students. By brainstorming, we recommend these KSAOs factors as the references to competency-based courses in now education system and train these students to find the success factors for job occupation or employment.
起訖頁 162-174
關鍵詞 職能知識-技能-能力-特質(KSAOs)訓練品質系統(TTQS)CompetencySkill, Ability, Others-Personal Characteristics, (KSAOs)Taiwan TrainQuali System (TTQS)
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 應用網路層級分析法探討具設計彈性新產品開發之關鍵成功因素──以A科技公司為例
該期刊-下一篇 股權稀釋併購類型之綜效價值理論:公司治理觀點




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