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The Key Success Factors of Development Of New Products with Design Flexibility by Analytic Network Process-A Case Study of A High-Tech Company
作者 陳建忠 (Jian-Zhong Chen)林永仁
本研究透過文獻分析法,從新產品開發程序,找出構面及其構面下所屬因素,再以專家訪談方式,與生產製造、行銷、銷售、研發單位中階經理人作深度訪談,參與訂定構面及因素的分類與歸納,並建立層級架構,找出因素間相互依存關係,然後,再以網路層級分析法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),計算ANP法之構面與因素重要度,最後,對因素重要度結果做排序。根據本研究的結果,最重要的因素分別為:研究開發構面下的共用性設計,行銷銷售構面下的新產品策略,生產製造構面下製造策略。將所有因素之重要度總和後平均並排序,重要度前五名的因素,依優先順序為新產品策略、共用性設計、產品平台基礎、模組化設計、高層主管的支持。這前五名的因素建議個案公司,在產品開發階段,將有限資源投入產品開發,增加產品競爭優勢,使得競爭者無法快速取代新產品。
The research identified the dimensions and factors of the new product development process by literature analysis. After interviewing with middle-class managers from manufacturing, marketing, sales, research & development departments, these dimensions and factors were classified and were used to establish a hierarchical structure with interdependence of the factors. After analyses of these dimensions and factors by ANP (Analytic Network Process) method, the degree of importance of each factor was calculated and ranked. According to the results of this research, the most important factors were: Commonality Design under Research and Development dimension; New Product Strategy under Marketing and Sales dimension; Manufacturing Strategy under Manufacturing dimension. The average of the degrees of importance of all factors was taken as a criterion. Five factors with the degree of importance greater than the criterion value were identified. These five important factors, in the order of importance were: New Product Strategy, Commonality Design, Product Platform-Base, Modular Design, Top Management Support. These top five factors were recommended to the case-study company for their product development stage, so that the company could allocate resources into the important factors in the product development. Thus, they could increase their product competitive advantage and deter competitors from quick replacement of the new products.
起訖頁 150-161
關鍵詞 產品開發新產品開發程序設計彈性關鍵成功因素網路層級分析法Product DevelopmentNew Product Development ProcessProduct Design FlexibilityKey Success FactorAnalytic Network Process
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 應用倒傳遞神經網路於負載啟斷開關接觸電阻預測之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以職能為基準之資訊管理人才訓練與評估──以實踐大學高雄校區為例




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