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A Study on Emotional Value Creation and Information Transmission Design-Cultural and Creative Industry as an Example
作者 顏如妙周瑛琪邱婷琳
With the development of human civilization, all kinds of product markets flourish in an increasingly competition. Meanwhile, the rational decision mode to buy products in the past has also changed; consumers now determine the value of the products by emotion and pursuit their inner satisfaction. The feelings and implications passed out from products gradually play an important role. Therefore, the creation and delivery of emotional value become a key success factor of modern competition. The main purpose in this study will be to parse the process and model of value creation and its information transmission mode for Kansei product. In the part of the content of emotional value, we first discuss the concept of customer value creation. The criteria in product selection emphasize from the function, quality and price of the product to the steering pursuit of experience, impressed cognition and value in consumer decision-making. The emotional value is an integral part of product. To understand and clarify its content more, two streams of theories, quality management and product design, are discussed. On the other hand, in addition to the value creation, how to deliver these emotional values to customers’ mind and perception by effective marketing is also very important. Based on the concept of qualia and product information design, the effective Kansei information transmission mode to delivery of perceptual emotional value is another focus of this study. The main research questions in this study are to understand '(What)' the content of emotional value of product is and 'How” to design and shape the information delivery modes to pass the value to consumers. After the literature review and propose a preliminary research framework, then we use the case study method for the phenomenon of Taiwan's cultural and creative industries cases to further the explanatory observation and analysis. The data collects by depth interviews, field observation and secondary data collection in order to explain the concept and interaction between the value creation and information transmission, and finally through the cross-case comparison, we would summarize conclusions and propose research proposition.
起訖頁 55-72
關鍵詞 感性商品價值創造資訊設計文化創意產業emotional value creationinformation transmission designcultural and creative industry
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 探討社會大眾對文化創意工藝產業之行為意向
該期刊-下一篇 女性微型創業網路行銷運用之探討




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