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企業購併之個案研究──以元太購併E Ink為例
A Case Study on Business Merger and Acquisition -E Ink Holdings Inc.
作者 顏慧明黃汝芸林思妤辛宜嘉
提升自身競爭力是所有企業必須面對的挑戰,企業的持續成長發展更顯重要。企業成長方式可分為兩部分:內部成長及外部成長,為了企業的成長與多角化經營,購併是其中一項重要的策略。本研究以知名電子公司購併案作為研究對象,了解元太購併E Ink後,面對高度競爭的環境,如何推動成功的企業購併行為。利用個案研究法搜集許多相關資料後,深入分析探討此次購併案的購併動機、購併型態、購併方式及購併綜效,並透過多項財務指標及股價的表現來分析此購併案是否成功為元太科技帶來效益。
Enhancing the competitiveness and improving the growth of enterprises would be the major challenges to all businesses. For growth and diversification, mergers and acquisitions should be the important strategies. In this study, we took the well-known electronics company’s acquisitions -- PVI with E Ink -- as the research object. Using the case study method, we analyzed how the E Ink Holdings Inc. promoted corporate mergers and acquisitions behavior in highly competitive environment. The merger made PVI in raw materials and technology to get advantages that have shown in the stock prices. Meanwhile, increasing competitors with skills upgrading, the later weakened. The E Ink Holdings Inc. might reduce costs and find more applications for e-paper products.
起訖頁 16-27
關鍵詞 購併元太科技E InkMergers and AcquisitionsE Ink Holdings Inc.PVI
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 知覺組織支持與組織公民行為之關係──以情感型組織承諾為中介變數




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