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The Analysis of the Entrepreneurship Educations' Implement Status for Higher Education Institutions in Japan and Taiwan
作者 廖力賢
In recent years, new enterprises are considered as an important key to solve the problem in today's economy in such a tumultuous world. In addition, it is also called the best solution of the unemployment problems. The entrepreneurship education becomes a wave in Taiwan higher educations, thus, the entrepreneurship curriculum is set up. Though a lot of schools have been performed many entrepreneurship education curriculum plantings for years. But the current planning are really can aptly meet the needs for entrepreneurs? How many courses among these curriculums are actually needed? What kind the existing entrepreneurship education be performed in Japan? Which of the countries’ cultural background are completely different from Taiwan? In this study, we research the differences between Japanese and Taiwanese local entrepreneurship education by analytic methods. And to understand in-depth what differences will arising if under the different cultures, people’s logic thinking’s, social resources, policies, system, etc. Finally through the analysis of entrepreneurship education in advanced countries, which based on a different cultural background, by using the commonality needs and different perspective of different entrepreneurs to explore the status of entrepreneurship education in Japan ,so that it can provide the suggestion to Taiwan for the existing methods of entrepreneurship education in higher education. In addition, we can try to get some points worth to learn from the collection of relevant documents and reference materials.
起訖頁 157-163
關鍵詞 創業教育新創事業高等教育Entrepreneurship EducationNew VentureHigher Education
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201308 (2:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 消費者對智慧家電與宅配服務接受度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 樂活休閒農業經營模式與產銷通路價值鏈之研究




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