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Falling-down Prevention Strategy by Unsafe Scenario Statistics and Fault Tree Analysis
作者 洪孟毅陳嘉明
雖然墜落重大職業災害有各類型態,但本質上皆為一個已知並且存在著風險的情境。過去幾年來對於墜落重大職業災害預防的相關研究也不少,但是皆未達到有效降低因墜落職災造成死亡的事件,其原因就是探討的構面太廣泛,而較少針對實際墜落案例發生不安全情境作分析。本研究蒐集 2007 年到 2011 年由勞工委員會公布之營造業及營造業以外的墜落職災真實案例,以實際了解台灣過去五年來最常發生工作中墜落的不安全的情境及工作因素。針對統計真實發生的案例及情境作分析、整理與分類後歸納出導致墜落職災最多的不安全情境。然後利用失誤樹分析法解構符合該情境的墜落案例,以找出作業墜落情境的基本事件,並嘗試計算不同情境下的墜落機率,藉以量化出不安全情境失誤率,提供未來類似施工情境墜落預防管理。
Although falling down accidents resulting in serious occupational injuries have various types, but there exist essentially known risky situations. In the past years, a lot of researches were performed to prevent falling down, but the reduction of casualties due to falling down was quite limited because too many causes were considered but too few unsafe scenarios were analyzed and identified. This study collected and analyzed the falling down accident data, from 2007 to 2011, of the construction and non-construction industries in Taiwan to analyze the unsafe situations and job factors. All the collected data were sorted, classified, and statistically analyzed to identify the unsafe situations leading to falling down accidents. The fault tree analysis methodology was employed to construct falling down as the top event using the identified unsafe situations and the failure rates were calculated under various scenarios. The quantification of failure rate under unsafe scenario can be used to develop falling-down prevention strategy in the future.
起訖頁 56-70
關鍵詞 墜落不安全情境製程安全管理失誤樹Falling downUnsafe ScenarioProcess Safety ManagementFault Tree Analysis
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201308 (2:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 專案管理運用於選擇腳踏車前避震器調查之探討
該期刊-下一篇 以不安全情境之統計及失誤樹分析探討墜落之預防策略




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