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Optimal Make-To-Order Production Scheduling with Green Production Consideration
作者 陳海鳴藍俊雄陳美琇邱誌偉
本研究主要以接單式生產(make-to-order)的製造業者在實務綠色生產排程規劃上所面臨的情況。探討一家工廠、多產品、多訂單之生產排程規畫,並考量製造成本、控汙成本、資源使用成本、持有成本、缺貨懲罰成本等因素,並利用Lingo 9.0 extended version套裝軟體語法,建構一利潤最大化為目標之非線性整數規劃 (Integer Nonlinear Programming,INLP)模型,並進行全域最佳解之搜尋運算。此外,透過敏感性分析探討個別變數的變動對於總利潤之影響,發現當控汙成本變動時,在成本考量之下工廠選擇缺貨也不願意接受過高的汙染成本,以防止利潤持續降低。本研究因具有高度的重現性,因此為企業在實務上扮演一重要之參考依據。
This study focuses on green production scheduling problem of make-to-order production where multiple orders, multiple types of products, manufacturing cost, antipollution cost, resource cost, holding cost, and tardiness cost are considered. The syntax of Lingo 9.0 is applied to construct an Integer Nonlinear Programming model (INLP) and solve the proposed model for achieving the maximum profit. In addition, through the sensitivity analysis to discuss about the relationship of the specific parameter and profit, that found when antipollution changed the factory choose to run out of stock of product rather than high antipollution cost to avoid to reduce the profit. This study creates a highly repetitive characteristic because while facing different situations of the proposed problem, an enterprise can easily solve such a problem by changing the input parameters only.
起訖頁 17-27
關鍵詞 生產排程控汙成本接單式生產Production SchedulingAntipollution CostLingo 9.0Lingo 9.0Make-To-Order
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201207 (1:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 使用比較矩陣構建咖啡廳服務品質評估模式




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