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The Life and Death of Chinese Classical Literature
作者 川合康三謝嘉文
Chinese classical literature is now faced with four levels of adversity. First, in the field of liberal arts, the humanities are falling out of favor compared with social sciences. Second, in the scope of the humanities, literature has been losing ground and declining in comparison with history and philosophy. Moreover, within the field of literature, oriental literature is less popular than western literature. Last, as far as Oriental literature is concerned, classical literature is not valued as much as modern literature. It is thus evident that Chinese classical literature is in the adversity of declination no matter how it is categorized. The declination of literature indicates the decomposition of the culture that sustains it. As a result, readers find it difficult to integrate into the world created by the author, nor do they find the world meaningful. For instance, the story of Li Si could strike a chord, while nowadays, he is hard to be identified with. Another example is that the story of Guan Zhong and Bao Shu-Ya, which used to be a much-told tale and regarded as a model of ideal friendship, can’t be realized now. I believe that as long as language continues to be used and treated with deep affections, literature will never disappear. We are living in a time when literature changes drastically. The inheritance and development of literary texts suggest the inter relationship of the text and its readers. Readers interpret the literary work through personal experiences and endow it with new meanings. Thus, with its intense power, Chinese literary classics live and last until today.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 中國古典文學四重苦難文學的衰退文學的可能性Chinese classical literaturefour levels of adversitythe declination of literaturethe possibilities of literature
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201106 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 中國古代原生性「源流文學史觀」詮釋模型之重構初論




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