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A primary study on reconstructing the “Interpretation Model” of the Chinese Ancient original “Sourcing Viewpoint of Literature History”
作者 顏崑陽
About the 30th year of Guangxu (1904), Lin Chuanjia, Dou Jingfan, Huang Ren and so on have written their own “The history of Chinese literature”. This knowledge and subject has been forwarded to the modernization. During the hundred years until now, the works of “The history of Chinese literature” have been already more than a thousand. However, the qualified and superior ones are few. The reason is because of the lack or improper of the essentialism, the epistemology and the methodology. Among these, “the history viewpoint of literature” is the more focal point. Probably being without a conscious history viewpoint of literature, or because of seeking for the modernization and the revolution of academic circle, they have been deeply influenced by “the doctrine of evolution” of western biology and sociology. During that period of time, “the evolution history viewpoint of literature” was quite popular. Or being controlled by the dogmatic Marx and Lenin thought and political conscious states, “the materialistic dialectical history viewpoint of literature” became an ossified frame during that period of time. These two history viewpoints are the products of the time and the environments. They are both from the west. Their aptness has been criticized from 1990, when “the theory on the history of literature” started to be the upsurge. However until now, the academic circle still just broke it but not construct it. Nobody could restructure a systematic and arranged “interpretation model” from the existing history viewpoint of literature in Chinese ancient times. Then take it as the theory foundation of writing “The history of Chinese literature”. The research aims at the Chinese ancient primary “sourcing history viewpoint of literature”. By the way of the related text's understanding, interpretation, analysis and synthesis, the author tries to clarify and arrange the hidden and scattered idea. In the theory suppose of “history viewpoint of literature”, the systematic and arranged “interpretation model” can be restructured.
起訖頁 231-272
關鍵詞 原生性源流文學史觀文體詮釋模型重構效果歷史primarysourcing viewpoint of Literature historyforminterpretation modeleffective-history
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201106 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 試論《續漢書•五行志》撰作及其體例因革之問題
該期刊-下一篇 中國古典文學的存亡




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